A rose scented candle is something that BCC fans request quite often, but it's only something that makes it's way into the shop once a year! Lucky for you rose fans, now is that time!

Brennan Candle Co fan Severina left our rose candle, First Date Jitters, a 5 star review! Here's what she had to say:
A calming scent to combat any jitters!
It's ironic that this candle is named First Date Jitters, because it is one of the most calming, serene, and fresh scents I've had the pleasure of enjoying. When it comes to rose scents, there is a nerve that you will get an overwhelming floral scent that drowns out everything else. The combination of rose, champagne and cream compliment each other so well and you really get a full body aroma. I highly recommend this candle and it's a staple in my own household!
Thanks for that kind review, Severina!
If you haven't picked up your own First Date Jitters rose candle yet, hurry! We won't be restocking it again until 2024 so shop now!
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